Nasze dzieciaki uwielbiają wafle ryżowe. Jedzą je ze wszystkim. Na słodko, na słono, z serem i pomidorem. W zeszłym tygodniu zajadały się nimi na przystanku autobusowym na sucho i podbiegł jakiś młody chłopak i zaczął im je wyrywać z rąk. Na mnie krzyczał, że jak mogę być taka nieodpowiedzialna żeby pozwolić maluchom jeść... styropian. YAFUD«Poprzednia wpadkaNastępna wpadka »
de Tomaso | 77.111.246.* | 27 Lutego, 2022 13:02
(...) okazuje się, że preparowany ryż zawiera bardzo często za dużo substancji rakotwórczej. Mowa o arsenie. Arsen jest już od bardzo dawna klasyfikowany przez instytucję Międzynarodową Agencję Badań nad Rakiem, jako substancja rakotwórcza, która się przyczynia do powstawania raka płuc, pęcherza oraz także skóry.
Chociaż oczywiście zjedzenie jednak ryżowego wafla osobie dorosłej nie zaszkodzi absolutnie. Jednak pamiętajmy, aby tego typu produktu nie podawać jednak dzieciom. Młode organizmy są narażone dużo bardziej na działanie szkodliwe arsenu, aniżeli osoby dorosłe. W związku z tym jeśli jesteśmy rodzicami to miejmy to na uwadze. (...)
Lusia | 77.65.104.* | 27 Lutego, 2022 16:32
Może lepsze by byly wafle kukurydziane?
Stefan | 188.33.240.* | 27 Lutego, 2022 16:42
Pod warunkiem, że kukurydza bez GMO.
just_me | 37.47.202.* | 27 Lutego, 2022 16:54
E tam zrobi się najwyżej zrzutkę na się pomaga w choroby a dzieciom tak bardzo smakuje. Chcesz im zabrać? Potwór!
W odpowiedzi na komenatrz #1 użytkownika de Tomaso[ Zobacz ]
No dobrze - może wafle ryżowe są rakotwórcze a może nie - zależy kto sponsorował badania. Ale tu jakiś inteligentny inaczej narobił rabanu bo uznał, że dzieci jedzą... styropian!!!. Skąd ten pomysł???!!! Przypomina to stary kawał, jak w tramwaju jakiś młodzieniec zaatakował kobietę w futrze krzycząc: - czy wie pani, ile zwierząt musiało zginąć, aby pani miała futro??!! Ta, z pewną pobłażliwością: - ależ proszę pana, to są poliestry! - I co z tego??! Wie pani ile poliestrów musiało zginąć, aby pani miała futro??!! Arsen sam w sobie jest śmiertelnie szkodliwy. Przypuszczam, że ktoś, kto się nim faszeruje umrze wcześniej na zatrucie, nim dostanie raka
W odpowiedzi na komenatrz #1 użytkownika de Tomaso[ Zobacz ]
Ania | 89.77.255.* | 27 Lutego, 2022 20:54
Inna sprawa, że ryż generalnie do najzdrowsszych źródeł węglowodanów nie należy (na przykład jest odradzany na diecie cukrzycowej w ciąży... nawet pełnoziarnisty, brązowy i dziki). A już zapewnianie go dzieciom na okrągło jest błędem dietetycznym (zróżnicowana dieta się kłania).
Serio nkkt z Was nie słyszał określenia styropian na wafle ryżowe a na błonnik granulowany - trociny?! To wygląda jak głupi żart.
Onna | 37.47.75.* | 28 Lutego, 2022 13:36
Nie do konca. Jezeli jest niewielka ilosc, to mozna podtruwac latami, a Big Farma sie kreci. Nie od dzis wiadomo, ze dieta wplywa na rozwoj nowotworow. Okolo 30-40% (zaleznie od badan) nowotworow zlosliwych, tp typy dieto pochodne, np. Wystarczy jesc fastfoody, margaryne, d.r.o.z.d.z.o.w.k.i. (powaznie to jest zakazane slowo???)
W odpowiedzi na komenatrz #5 użytkownika Konto usunięte[ Zobacz ]
Jajco | 94.254.184.* | 28 Lutego, 2022 15:41
Może chodzi o dzo.wki podobne do dziw.k.i
W odpowiedzi na komenatrz #7 użytkownika Onna[ Zobacz ]
Sansai | 62.141.201.* | 28 Lutego, 2022 21:33
Może jako źródło podaj jakiś naukowy artykuł, a nie tekst na wątpliwej jakościowo stronie?
W odpowiedzi na komenatrz #1 użytkownika de Tomaso[ Zobacz ]
de Tomaso | 77.111.246.* | 28 Lutego, 2022 23:17
Telephone +46 18 17 55 00 Weekdays: 08.00-16.00
Livsmedelsverket (Swedish Food Agency), Box 622, SE - 751 26 Uppsala, Sweden
Street address Dag Hammarskjölds väg 56 A, Uppsala Visit us
Opening hours 8.00 - 16.00
Goods, delivery address Livsmedelsverket (Swedish Food Agency), Dag Hammarskjölds väg 56 C, SE-752 37 Uppsala, Sweden
The Swedish National Food Agency has analysed the level of arsenic in rice and rice products. The results show that the amounts of arsenic is varying. The Swedish National Food Agency advises parents not to give rice cakes or rice drinks to children under the age of six .
Why does rice contain arsenic? Arsenic is naturally present in the bedrock and is absorbed by rice through the soil or irrigation water.
Is it dangerous? The levels of arsenic in the products are not too high to constitute acute risks, but arsenic is a substance that one should try to get as little of as possible. Long-term exposure to arsenic can increase the risk of cancer of the lungs or bladder. Therefore, it is serious that several rice products on the market contain rather high levels.
What can I do as a consumer? You can affect the amount of arsenic you ingest. If you have a well-balanced diet and choose different types of food and brands, you will reduce the risk of ingesting too much of any individual substance.
Eating rice and rice products a few times a week, which is common in Sweden, does not constitute a health risk. However adults should not eat rice and rice products (rice pudding, rice noodles and rice snacks) every day. Children should not eat rice and rice products more than four times a week.
People who eat rice every day or several times a day, can get a lot of arsenic. If you eat rice every day, our advice is to gradually try to eat less rice.
One way to reduce the amount of arsenic is to boil rice with a large excess of water which is then poured away. By doing this the arsenic content in the rice can decrease by more than half.
Brown rice often contains higher levels of arsenic compared to white rice. This is because arsenic is mainly concentrated in the husk of the rice, which is more common in wholegrain products. We usually recommend that you choose whole grain products, but in this case, it is better only to eat brown rice occasionally.
Can children eat rice? Yes, children can eat rice, but it is always important to have a well-balanced diet. That is to eat different types of food, and to choose different brands. A well-balanced and varied diet decreases the risk of ingesting too much of any harmful substances. Therefore, eating rice and rice products a few times a week, which is common in Sweden, does not constitute a health risk. However, children should not eat rice and rice products – rice pudding, rice noodles and rice snacks – more than four times a week.
W odpowiedzi na komenatrz #9 użytkownika Sansai[ Zobacz ]
de Tomaso | 77.111.246.* | 28 Lutego, 2022 23:22
Children over the age of six and adults can eat rice cakes occasionally, depending on how many other rice products they eat. My child has eaten many rice cakes regularly for several years – should I be concerned? No, the effects of arsenic are mostly notable when a person is exposed to high levels of arsenic over a long period of time. But it's always a good idea to vary the diet and not eat too much of a particular product. Young children are more sensitive than older children are, because they weigh less and therefore ingest more arsenic per kilo of body weight. What can someone with food traditions based on eating a lot of rice do? It can be difficult to change a habit or a food tradition of eating a lot of rice, but our advice is still to gradually try to eat less rice. If the rice is boiled with a large excess of water, which is then poured off, it can reduce the arsenic content in the rice by more than half. Is it possible to avoid arsenic in rice by buying organic food? Since arsenic is naturally present in the soil, it is not possible to affect the level of arsenic by using organic growing methods. Buying organic rice does not make any difference. In the 2017 analyzes, the highest levels of arsenic were found in the organic products. All kind of rice varieties absorb more arsenic if they grow in soil and water that has a high inorganic arsenic content. Is there arsenic in specialty products such as pasta and bread for people with gluten intolerance? The study in 2015 included products that are specially adapted for people with gluten intolerance, such as pasta and bread made of rice flour. These did not contain high levels of arsenic. Is there any type of rice that contains less arsenic than others? In the study 2015, basmati and jasmine rice contained less arsenic compared to other types of rice. But the levels vary, which means that you cannot say that all basmati and jasmine rice contains lower levels. Is rice from some countries better than from others? No, the levels in the bedrock vary naturally between different locations. They can even vary from one field to another. Therefore, it is difficult to say that a particular country or region has higher or lower levels of arsenic in its rice than another. Why don't you ban products that contain harmful substances? Unfortunately there are harmful substances in our food that are not possible to avoid entirely. To keep levels to a minimum, many substances are subject to statutory maximum levels.
W odpowiedzi na komenatrz #9 użytkownika Sansai[ Zobacz ]
de Tomaso | 77.111.246.* | 28 Lutego, 2022 23:29
The EU has agreed on maximum levels for arsenic in rice, which came into force 1 January 2016. The Swedish National Food Agency considers the new maximum levels to be too high to offer sufficient protection for consumers from a high intake of arsenic from rice and rice products. We therefore work to get future maximum levels further reduced.
What does the Swedish National Food Agency do? For a number of years the Swedish National Food Agency has been analysing arsenic levels in rice and other foods, including products that are specifically for children. Studies of arsenic levels in food will continue over the next few years, both through enhanced checks and analysis of levels in various food products.
So far the studies have led to new recommendations and also to several companies taking proactive measures to reduce arsenic levels in their products.
The Swedish National Food Agency is also working to try to influence legislation, so that the maximum levels that are established provide better protection for consumers from foods containing high levels of arsenic.
Which products were included in the study? The 2015 study included rice (basmati, jasmine, long grain, risotto, brown), rice cakes, fresh rice pudding, breakfast cereals, rice drinks, gluten-free bread, noodles and gluten-free pasta. The products included brands from the major supermarkets, as well as less common brands and also organic products.
The study in 2015 was a follow-up off the previous 2011-2012 study of the heavy metals arsenic, lead and cadmium in various products for young children: infant formula, porridge, cereal drinks and vegetable-based drinks, such as rice and oat drinks. Products for children with special medical needs were also included in this study.
An additional follow-up was made in 2017. In this study, nearly 30 samples of brown rice were analyzed. The survey showed that the content of inorganic arsenic was on average higher in 2017 than in 2015. The rice products that had the highest levels of arsenic were organic. One of the samples of brown rice also exceeded the limit value. In eight of the rice brands that were analyzed in both 2015 and 2017, the arsenic content had increased in six. This increase was highest for two organic rice brands.
More information A Survey of Inorganic Arsenic in Rice and Rice Products on the Swedish Market 2015, report 16, part 1, 2015 Risk Assessment - Inorganic Arsenic in Rice and Rice Products on the Swedish Market 2015, report 16, part 2, 2015 Risk management - Inorganic Arsenic in Rice and Rice Products on the Swedish Market 2015, report 16, part 3, 2015 2018 nr 19 - Metaller i barnmat och ris - only summary in English
W odpowiedzi na komenatrz #9 użytkownika Sansai[ Zobacz ]
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de Tomaso | 77.111.246.* | 27 Lutego, 2022 13:02
okazuje się, że preparowany ryż zawiera bardzo często za dużo substancji rakotwórczej. Mowa o arsenie. Arsen jest już od bardzo dawna klasyfikowany przez instytucję Międzynarodową Agencję Badań nad Rakiem, jako substancja rakotwórcza, która się przyczynia do powstawania raka płuc, pęcherza oraz także skóry.
Chociaż oczywiście zjedzenie jednak ryżowego wafla osobie dorosłej nie zaszkodzi absolutnie. Jednak pamiętajmy, aby tego typu produktu nie podawać jednak dzieciom. Młode organizmy są narażone dużo bardziej na działanie szkodliwe arsenu, aniżeli osoby dorosłe. W związku z tym jeśli jesteśmy rodzicami to miejmy to na uwadze.
Lusia | 77.65.104.* | 27 Lutego, 2022 16:32
Może lepsze by byly wafle kukurydziane?
Stefan | 188.33.240.* | 27 Lutego, 2022 16:42
Pod warunkiem, że kukurydza bez GMO.
just_me | 37.47.202.* | 27 Lutego, 2022 16:54
E tam zrobi się najwyżej zrzutkę na się pomaga w choroby a dzieciom tak bardzo smakuje. Chcesz im zabrać? Potwór!
Konto usunięte [] | 27 Lutego, 2022 17:03
No dobrze - może wafle ryżowe są rakotwórcze a może nie - zależy kto sponsorował badania. Ale tu jakiś inteligentny inaczej narobił rabanu bo uznał, że dzieci jedzą... styropian!!!. Skąd ten pomysł???!!! Przypomina to stary kawał, jak w tramwaju jakiś młodzieniec zaatakował kobietę w futrze krzycząc: - czy wie pani, ile zwierząt musiało zginąć, aby pani miała futro??!! Ta, z pewną pobłażliwością: - ależ proszę pana, to są poliestry! - I co z tego??! Wie pani ile poliestrów musiało zginąć, aby pani miała futro??!!
Arsen sam w sobie jest śmiertelnie szkodliwy. Przypuszczam, że ktoś, kto się nim faszeruje umrze wcześniej na zatrucie, nim dostanie raka
Ania | 89.77.255.* | 27 Lutego, 2022 20:54
Inna sprawa, że ryż generalnie do najzdrowsszych źródeł węglowodanów nie należy (na przykład jest odradzany na diecie cukrzycowej w ciąży... nawet pełnoziarnisty, brązowy i dziki). A już zapewnianie go dzieciom na okrągło jest błędem dietetycznym (zróżnicowana dieta się kłania).
Serio nkkt z Was nie słyszał określenia styropian na wafle ryżowe a na błonnik granulowany - trociny?! To wygląda jak głupi żart.
Onna | 37.47.75.* | 28 Lutego, 2022 13:36
Nie do konca. Jezeli jest niewielka ilosc, to mozna podtruwac latami, a Big Farma sie kreci. Nie od dzis wiadomo, ze dieta wplywa na rozwoj nowotworow. Okolo 30-40% (zaleznie od badan) nowotworow zlosliwych, tp typy dieto pochodne, np. Wystarczy jesc fastfoody, margaryne, d.r.o.z.d.z.o.w.k.i. (powaznie to jest zakazane slowo???)
Jajco | 94.254.184.* | 28 Lutego, 2022 15:41
Może chodzi o dzo.wki podobne do dziw.k.i
Sansai | 62.141.201.* | 28 Lutego, 2022 21:33
Może jako źródło podaj jakiś naukowy artykuł, a nie tekst na wątpliwej jakościowo stronie?
de Tomaso | 77.111.246.* | 28 Lutego, 2022 23:17
+46 18 17 55 00 Weekdays: 08.00-16.00
Livsmedelsverket (Swedish Food Agency), Box 622, SE - 751 26 Uppsala, Sweden
Street address
Dag Hammarskjölds väg 56 A, Uppsala
Visit us
Opening hours
8.00 - 16.00
Goods, delivery address
Livsmedelsverket (Swedish Food Agency), Dag Hammarskjölds väg 56 C, SE-752 37 Uppsala, Sweden
The Swedish National Food Agency has analysed the level of arsenic in rice and rice products. The results show that the amounts of arsenic is varying. The Swedish National Food Agency advises parents not to give rice cakes or rice drinks to children under the age of six .
Why does rice contain arsenic?
Arsenic is naturally present in the bedrock and is absorbed by rice through the soil or irrigation water.
Is it dangerous?
The levels of arsenic in the products are not too high to constitute acute risks, but arsenic is a substance that one should try to get as little of as possible. Long-term exposure to arsenic can increase the risk of cancer of the lungs or bladder. Therefore, it is serious that several rice products on the market contain rather high levels.
What can I do as a consumer?
You can affect the amount of arsenic you ingest. If you have a well-balanced diet and choose different types of food and brands, you will reduce the risk of ingesting too much of any individual substance.
Eating rice and rice products a few times a week, which is common in Sweden, does not constitute a health risk. However adults should not eat rice and rice products (rice pudding, rice noodles and rice snacks) every day. Children should not eat rice and rice products more than four times a week.
People who eat rice every day or several times a day, can get a lot of arsenic. If you eat rice every day, our advice is to gradually try to eat less rice.
One way to reduce the amount of arsenic is to boil rice with a large excess of water which is then poured away. By doing this the arsenic content in the rice can decrease by more than half.
Brown rice often contains higher levels of arsenic compared to white rice. This is because arsenic is mainly concentrated in the husk of the rice, which is more common in wholegrain products. We usually recommend that you choose whole grain products, but in this case, it is better only to eat brown rice occasionally.
Can children eat rice?
Yes, children can eat rice, but it is always important to have a well-balanced diet. That is to eat different types of food, and to choose different brands. A well-balanced and varied diet decreases the risk of ingesting too much of any harmful substances. Therefore, eating rice and rice products a few times a week, which is common in Sweden, does not constitute a health risk. However, children should not eat rice and rice products – rice pudding, rice noodles and rice snacks – more than four times a week.
de Tomaso | 77.111.246.* | 28 Lutego, 2022 23:22
Children over the age of six and adults can eat rice cakes occasionally, depending on how many other rice products they eat. My child has eaten many rice cakes regularly for several years – should I be concerned? No, the effects of arsenic are mostly notable when a person is exposed to high levels of arsenic over a long period of time. But it's always a good idea to vary the diet and not eat too much of a particular product. Young children are more sensitive than older children are, because they weigh less and therefore ingest more arsenic per kilo of body weight. What can someone with food traditions based on eating a lot of rice do? It can be difficult to change a habit or a food tradition of eating a lot of rice, but our advice is still to gradually try to eat less rice. If the rice is boiled with a large excess of water, which is then poured off, it can reduce the arsenic content in the rice by more than half. Is it possible to avoid arsenic in rice by buying organic food? Since arsenic is naturally present in the soil, it is not possible to affect the level of arsenic by using organic growing methods. Buying organic rice does not make any difference. In the 2017 analyzes, the highest levels of arsenic were found in the organic products. All kind of rice varieties absorb more arsenic if they grow in soil and water that has a high inorganic arsenic content. Is there arsenic in specialty products such as pasta and bread for people with gluten intolerance? The study in 2015 included products that are specially adapted for people with gluten intolerance, such as pasta and bread made of rice flour. These did not contain high levels of arsenic. Is there any type of rice that contains less arsenic than others? In the study 2015, basmati and jasmine rice contained less arsenic compared to other types of rice. But the levels vary, which means that you cannot say that all basmati and jasmine rice contains lower levels. Is rice from some countries better than from others? No, the levels in the bedrock vary naturally between different locations. They can even vary from one field to another. Therefore, it is difficult to say that a particular country or region has higher or lower levels of arsenic in its rice than another. Why don't you ban products that contain harmful substances? Unfortunately there are harmful substances in our food that are not possible to avoid entirely. To keep levels to a minimum, many substances are subject to statutory maximum levels.
de Tomaso | 77.111.246.* | 28 Lutego, 2022 23:29
The EU has agreed on maximum levels for arsenic in rice, which came into force 1 January 2016. The Swedish National Food Agency considers the new maximum levels to be too high to offer sufficient protection for consumers from a high intake of arsenic from rice and rice products. We therefore work to get future maximum levels further reduced.
What does the Swedish National Food Agency do?
For a number of years the Swedish National Food Agency has been analysing arsenic levels in rice and other foods, including products that are specifically for children. Studies of arsenic levels in food will continue over the next few years, both through enhanced checks and analysis of levels in various food products.
So far the studies have led to new recommendations and also to several companies taking proactive measures to reduce arsenic levels in their products.
The Swedish National Food Agency is also working to try to influence legislation, so that the maximum levels that are established provide better protection for consumers from foods containing high levels of arsenic.
Which products were included in the study?
The 2015 study included rice (basmati, jasmine, long grain, risotto, brown), rice cakes, fresh rice pudding, breakfast cereals, rice drinks, gluten-free bread, noodles and gluten-free pasta. The products included brands from the major supermarkets, as well as less common brands and also organic products.
The study in 2015 was a follow-up off the previous 2011-2012 study of the heavy metals arsenic, lead and cadmium in various products for young children: infant formula, porridge, cereal drinks and vegetable-based drinks, such as rice and oat drinks. Products for children with special medical needs were also included in this study.
An additional follow-up was made in 2017. In this study, nearly 30 samples of brown rice were analyzed. The survey showed that the content of inorganic arsenic was on average higher in 2017 than in 2015. The rice products that had the highest levels of arsenic were organic. One of the samples of brown rice also exceeded the limit value. In eight of the rice brands that were analyzed in both 2015 and 2017, the arsenic content had increased in six. This increase was highest for two organic rice brands.
More information
A Survey of Inorganic Arsenic in Rice and Rice Products on the Swedish Market 2015, report 16, part 1, 2015
Risk Assessment - Inorganic Arsenic in Rice and Rice Products on the Swedish Market 2015, report 16, part 2, 2015
Risk management - Inorganic Arsenic in Rice and Rice Products on the Swedish Market 2015, report 16, part 3, 2015
2018 nr 19 - Metaller i barnmat och ris - only summary in English